Celebrate Epiphany …

From January 6th till the Transfiguration

It is customary…

To invite the parish priest to the homes of parishioners on the Feast of Epiphany or during the week following.

Have your Home Blessed this Epiphany!

Holy Worship Days of Epiphany

(And a little beyond …)

  • 6 January 2020: Epiphany

Ecumenical Twelfth Night 7 PM

O God, by the leading of a star you manifested your only Son to the peoples of the earth: Lead us, who know you now by faith, to your presence, where we may see your glory face to face; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

  • 6-10 January: Epiphany Week

Blessing of Homes, 9AM, Noon, 3PM, 6 PM

There will be a sign-up sheet in the Narthex so you can have your home blessed by Father Rick.  There will be room to request incense (or not) if you desire.  (Note: We can only accommodate incense when lay members are able to accompany.  If you wish to help me bless homes, please sign up for that too.  (You can indicate if you want to do incense or not as a lay assistant.  I have been assured by the Holy Spirit that somehow this will work out, Jesus pray!)

  • 18 January: Confession of St Peter the Apostle

Prayer & Eucharist: 9 AM & 6 PM

  • 25 January: Conversion of St Peter the Apostle

Prayer & Eucharist: 9 AM & 6 PM

  • 24 February: Saint Matthias the Apostle

Prayer & Eucharist: 9 AM & 6 PM

  • 25 February: Pancake Day!
  • 26 February: Ash Wednesday

Stay tuned for Lenten announcements